Fabrication de produits promotionnels

How to do promoting with affiliate ID

how to make a referral URL link

  • how to get my affiliate ID, please log in affiliate control panel, and move to option “creatives”, you will find your own affiliate ID, if don’t know it, please read more in instruction of control panel
  • Looking for a page or product page which you want to promote,or do referral URL, for example, use the link: https://epordo.com/ml/smart-home/, my affiliate ID is 1, my referral URL is https://epordo.com/ml/smart-home/?wpam_id=1.

How can send the referral URL link

  • if some chat application, like whatsapp, skype, facebook messager, you can send the link in chat box ,for example send https://epordo.com/ml/smart-home/?wpam_id=1, if someone click the link you sent, he or she will be recorded in our store cookie system, if he or she make any order in our store, you will get commission, the cookie will keep about 30 days, if he or she don’t clear cookie in browser, all the order in these days will be recorded for this affiliate.
  • what else if the visitor make order after 30 days? According to professional statistics,about 70% visitor will make decision when they read the products, and 90% visitor will not remember what they read if you don’t mention it in front of them after 3 days
  • if I want to put the referral URL link to my blog or something like this, it will show to my visitors, you can paste the referral URL link to your blog, some blog system will create link automatically when you paste the URL link.
  • if the blog etc system can not create link for you, you can read some edit instruction from the system which you have to know how to create a link , if the system support html code, you can make your own code with referral URL link(HTML snippet) you can write code like below picture,you write like same formatchina device application system
  • you can refer more link write or copy it from your affiliate control panel, it is in creatives ,it is in The following creatives are available for publication ‘s table, more about control panel referral link for epordo

How Can I get the result of my promoting

  • Log in your control panel of affiliate , and view the Overview option page it will give you result
  • the result will show both for today and this month, you can valuate what you doresult-affiliate